
Rep. Louie 'Terror Babies' Gohmert: The Obama Administration is Full of Muslim Brotherhood Members

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines4/26/2013 2:08:22 pm PDT

Conspiracy update:

Thanks to the generosity of Lord Soros and the efforts of our agents in the DHS, our ammunition reserves are now at the desired levels and we can start releasing small amounts to the RWNJ market before it grows too suspicious.
I am glad the Committee rejected the notion of leaving out the primers on the latter shipments, since the RWNJs would no doubt notice this at once and become even more suspicious of the real nature of the “shortage.” We did accept the idea of planting a miniature audio and tracking device into every 50th round. This has already yielded valuable intelligence but our monitors are demanding a pay raise because of the dreadful and disgusting noise to which they are forced to listen during the course of their duties. After listening to some samples, I decided they have a point and I told them I would take it up with the Committee.
Btw, I have finally discovered where the RWNJs get their public obsession with bestiality.