
Surreal, Disturbing Short Horror Film: "Unreel"

No Malarkey!11/27/2023 1:54:54 am PST

re: #121 Targetpractice

They mention the issue towards the beginning, but only as part of the overall narrative that incel men are such victims: Modern women can afford to be picky. Women have been dating and marrying douchebags for ages, what’s really changed in the last couple generations is the shrinking of the pay gap and the opening of opportunities to unmarried women that previous generations either couldn’t access or were restricted from.

If you can only make $30K a year and the douchebag pursuing you can make twice that as their starting salary, then you’re more likely to lie back and think of Macy’s. But if you’re making $60K and he’s only make $65K, then you’re a little less willing to put up with the red ballcap and the screeching about “illegals.”

The rest of the op-ed is just the author laughably trying to use links to right-wing, pro-marriage sites (white, heterosexual only need apply) to argue that old chestnut that women won’t ever be truly happy unless they’re married and popping out kids.

“My body, my choice” only applies to vaccination. For issues like marriage, birth control and abortion, its “your body, my choice.”