
Video: Trump Throws Tantrum on Day 1 After Judge Prohibits Him From Attending SCOTUS Arguments

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/16/2024 1:27:54 am PDT

Sigh… I’ve used fragrance-free and dye-free laundry detergents for decades.

For the longest time I used Tide’s fragrance free detergent… and then they discontinued the powder. Amazon has a seller who will sell a box for $77.

So I found some All fragrance-free at Walmart… but now that is no longer made, though Amazon has some for $22/box. Target wants $100/box.

So I looked for Arm & Hammer and their fragrance free powder is supposedly discontinued though Amazon warehouse still is selling off their stock for $15/box.

It’s all a move by detergent companies to sell liquids only. The liquid versions require buying a container more often…. hence more sales and thus more profit.

And the liquid versions are heavier, meaning more costly to truck. And thus more fuel consumption, more CO2, etc.

I used to make a large box of Tide powder last me for years.

Our society is not able to truly deal with living more reasonably. The drive for ever more profits is dooming us.

There are some off brand fragrance free powder detergents. They get mixed reviews. Common complaint is that they don’t dissolve very well.

The nice thing about the Tide formula is how easily it dissolved even in cold water.

I guess I should have known that our society was doomed when “pods” were introduced and then stores had to lock them up behind glass cases so people wouldn’t walk off with them… or swallow them.