
What Right Wing Extremists?

Bubbaman4/17/2009 6:17:59 pm PDT

re: #82 Buster Bunny

The guy who built a nuclear reactor in his garage a couple of years back did so buying things like smoke detectors (they have radioactive parts) and the paint they use for keeping old clocks dials intact.

It doesnt take much to create a considerable batch of noxious substances if you know where to look.

I mean .. what harm could 50 tonnes of fertiliser do?

A smoke detector contains less than 1/3rd of a microgram of Amerecium and the average dose of radiation emitted is hundreds of times less than background radiation. While, it would be theoretically possible to recover quantities of Amerecium it wouldn’t be feasible.

FWIW, the uranium ore that’s available for purchase for demonstration purchases isn’t problematic either. The big concerns exist when large amounts of items such as Cobalt used in food sterilization/medical therapies go missing.