
Why I Parted Ways With The Right

iceweasel12/01/2009 1:08:10 am PST

re: #1251 Gus 802

Now, one of the things we’re dealing with is nostalgia. A return of the old ways when human rights were seen as an insult and the mere thought of using the word homophobic was also seen as a buzz cut against the grain of accepted pseudo right wing thought. The impetus thus will be one of revanchism to bring it back to a place where it once was. Where John Kerry, Earth First, and The Muslims were all to blame for the ills of this world.

What we will see is a lot of what I call pre-flounce rhetoric. For some it has been going on for several months. Now, it will accelerate. Especially given the recent temperament towards the acceptance of AGW and the complete non-acceptance of the fascist movements in Europe of which many of the predominant right-wing bloggers are aligned with. For them, it is a conflict of interests and personal ideologies. In the end, I think their time here is limited.

They’re not happy here and it shows. As for the more extreme personalities. Well, they come and go. And we’re seeing that example here in real time.

Very interesting…I suspect you and I have noticed many of the same things and drawn many of the same conclusions, down to certain buzzwords and all. Love the term pre-flounce rhetoric! — There does seem to be a certain mindset and rhetoric that goes along with the flounce. Interesting how it is obvious to some but not to others.
Often it manifests as increasing hostility to posters perceived to be standins for Charles on some issue. Eventually they show up at the Village of the Banned spewing vile things about Charles (and finally ‘liberated’ to start spouting their true feelings, invariably extremist shit of one form or another) and engaging in other lovely behaviour like throwing the “c” word around.
And then several ‘left behind’ will say, “Oh, why did beloved Dipshit get banned?”—when various others could tell that beloved Dipshit really was a terrible person all along, as subsequent posting behaviour bears out.

The times they are a-changin.