
Oh Come On! Luca Stricagnoli Slays "Stairway to Heaven" on More Than One Acoustic Guitar at the Same Time

John Hughes3/28/2021 4:03:11 am PDT

re: #93 Dr Lizardo

Hah, I just got my Article 50 carte de sejour so I’m now a legal French resident again.

Screw all those “ex-pats” sponging off the Spanish state. Bet they all voted for Brexit.


Another returning at Malaga airport today was Shaun Cromber who despite voting for Britain to leave the EU, didn’t believe it would end his Spanish lifestyle, he said: ” Yes I voted out, but I didn’t realise it would come to this, my application has been rejected and we are on our way home – the wife is in tears, she’s distraught if I’m honest and I’m not too happy at the prospect of returning back to the UK.