
Randall Munroe (xkcd) Explains: What Would a Magnitude 15 Earthquake Be Like?

Romantic Heretic12/10/2023 8:23:53 pm PST

re: #111 Targetpractice

I’ve always found the Civ games are like being in Monty Python’s Cheese Shop skit.

Me: Can I get some horses?
Game: I’m afraid we’re out of stock with that product.
Me: How about iron?
Game: The last one just wen out the door, sir.
Me: Coal?
Game: Not available in this region.
Me: Oil?
Game: Another excuse.
Me: I’m going to lose because the best units I can build are Crossbowman and I can’t run an industry because I have no power.
Game: I’m afraid so, sir.

Frustrating to say the least.