
Overnight Open Thread

Afrocity3/30/2009 12:43:42 am PDT

re: #119 Brit in Japan

Indeed. I’ve met a few JETs and it still seems the best way for a temporary 1-3 year stay; you seem to get looked after by the schools and a support network of fellow JETs - but the BIG downside is you can get sent to all kinds of backwaters and I’ve heard some horror stories in bars about the kind of accomodation you have to put up with.


Okay, I should not say this but my Japanese sensei, professor Nakamoto was going to put in special request for me to go to Tokyo if I did the Jet program. She felt my race would not work well in the rural parts. Personally I never told her but I requested the Kobe block or Nara or Kyoto.