
Federal Judge Orders Kansas to Restore Planned Parenthood Funding

lawhawk8/31/2011 1:01:46 pm PDT

How many heads are going to explode over this. President Obama to visit Paterson, NJ to view flooding damage from Hurricane Irene. Seeing as I wont be able to get into Paterson b/c of ongoing flooding, that’s another missed opportunity to see the President (and the closest was when I just missed seeing his procession following his visit to Ground Zero after OBL was killed).

So why would heads explode? Well, Paterson’s got a large Muslim population - and he’s skipping over other towns that are heavily flooded like New Brunswick, Bound Brook, etc. and expect the usual suspects to claim that he’s a sekrit Muslim or that he hates white people or other craziness. Or, they’ll claim he’s getting in the way of the relief/recovery efforts.

Anything to get their 24/7 hate in a tizzy.