
New From Keith Olbermann: Which of Trump's Cronies Will Flip on Him First?

Brian J.3/27/2017 6:45:49 pm PDT

re: #115 Targetpractice

One of the brighter sparks over at Fark put out what I consider a fairly plausible scenario: Flynn has flipped or is in the process of flipping, and Nunes caught wind of such. Hence his rush to the White House, to clue Donny in that his best bud is preparing to cut a deal with the FBI in exchange for testimony.

Armed with that revelation, the White House is now preparing to put the whole mess on Flynn’s head. When the word comes from official sources that Flynn has testified, the White House will launch into a propaganda storm that Flynn was the Russian spy in the campaign. That everything that happened was his doing, all the reports of collusion and questionable dialogue with Russian officials was either through him or approved by him, and so if anybody is a criminal its him.

Who exactly would do the prosecuting? Not CSA Attorney General Sessions, surely? And anyway, there’s this guy in the White House who can serve a piping hot stack of pardons whenever he wants.