
Overnight Jam: Greg Holden, "Hold on Tight"

Smith25's Liberal Thighs3/26/2015 7:32:56 am PDT

Population of CrazyBusyLand: Me

This is the last week before Spring Break for school, so everything is crazy. Tests, Tests, Tests. Kids are going nuts because they want so bad to be on break. Teachers are worse becuase they can’t wait to be on break. Teachers with kids are the worst because of all that, and they(including me) havent gotten anything packed, or anything else done for our own trips. And I have to stay up late because the UK Basketball game dosen’t come on until 9:45. And I’m lucky that I was able to help my son finish his T-Rex Costume.

The Attempt

The Execution

Plus I’m driving the family to Orlando FL Saturday morning. About a 12 hr trip. Universal Studios, Legoland, and some relaxing on tap. I’ll just be glad to move out of CrazyBusyLand for a week.