
Wingnut Fail of the Day: Bill Ayers 'Admits' He Wrote Obama's Autobiography

Charles Johnson3/28/2011 1:02:59 pm PDT

The comments at Fox Nation for this stupid story are off the hook hilarious.

Gibbsdithers 1 hour ago


Why isn’t this front page news? Why isn’t it the lead story on FOX? Is this another ‘Onion’ rib? Clearly not, since it comes out of Ayer’s own mouth. This would certainly support the pre-election theory’s that Obama and Ayer’s definitely were not merely acquaintances but close friends. Gee, does that mean that perhaps he understood every nuance of Reverend Wright’s animated sermons anchored in Marxist Theology? Which he shouted to the rafters, jumping around like a maniac. How could you deny that you heard him, understood him, followed him?

Hmmm. That would mean that Obama is not quite ‘transparent’. Even though ACORN Obama is such a casual liar, even if their were footage of him kissing the top of Ayer’s bald head he’d deny he ever knew him.

Now the question remains. Did Ayer’s mean DREAMS OF MY FATHER is a work of fiction that he (Ayer’s) completely conjured to the point that he ‘gave Obama a life and a history’? Or that Ayer’s acted as a traditional ghost writer in the true sense of the word and who worked on this autobiography based on the ‘factual’ memories of ACORN Obama? Now even his literary career appears to be murky.