
Mitt Romney Supports the GOP's War on Women

Gus2/29/2012 10:01:52 pm PST

re: #131 ProGunLiberal

The situation is much fuzzier than the Libyan Revolutionary War last year. Syria seems split religiously, with the Sunnis on one side, Alawites on the other, and the Christians somewhere in the middle.

It doesn’t help when we have Syrian Salafis in exile in Saudia calling for the Alawites to be fed to dogs, and for the Christians to be slaughtered. Something worth bringing up if the MSA President tries to force me around anymore. (He stopped a few weeks ago after I shot him a FB message saying he was a massive hypocrite for speaking out against the actions of a few US Soldiers, but not speaking out when Radical Nuts were attacking Christians in Egypt or Nigeria.) Combine this with other things I have learned about the “Magic Kingdom” in the past few months, and if he tries for poke me around again, he’ll have a problem, mostly trying to explain away the actions of a government he supports.

We have our own Magic Kingdom but I know what you mean. We need to stop killing people though regardless. This madness needs to stop. Osama bin Laden is dead. The killing needs to stop now. This has gone on for far too long. People need to start talking again.