
Why Don't TV Weathermen Believe in Climate Change?

Mad Prophet Ludwig1/30/2010 10:28:07 pm PST

re: #1310 talon_262


You know what? I’m getting real f**king tired of reading long threads full of petty bickering, grade-school insults, and virulent, scorching personal attacks; Charles is a hell of a host and he doesn’t deserve this crap. If y’all (and I mean the better part of everyone on this thread) want to drag LGF into the blog sewers, keep this shit up; otherwise, either solve your differences like rational adults, ignore the assholes that set you off (without being a damn drama queen about it), or just walk away for a bit and chill out.

This kind of soap-opera bullshit turns me off to getting involved in threads and I venture to say that it’s a turnoff to others as well. It’s disappointing as hell to know that most everyone here that gets involved in these squabbles and snipefests can be rational and engaging in discussions when they want to be.

So, my question is this: What’s it gonna be?

Honestly it is a bloddletting that needs to get done with and let out. then things will normalize.