
Video: Irreducible Complexity Cut Down to Size

spikester11/30/2010 5:11:39 pm PST

re: #60 Fozzie Bear

I can’t believe that Beck actually believes that the poor have it good here. NOBODY can be that fucking retarded. Has he ever seen a ghetto, even once, driving through even?

How can anybody be that dumb and not choke on their own spittle?

{and all you that upticked the remark}

I read your comment and what came to mind is NOBODY can be that fucking retarded
Have you ever been to a forgin country on anything other that spring brake. I’ve seen people in India that have been crippled, I mean arms and legs broken and healed crooked because they were to be the family beggar (hope of income, somebody had to do it) My guess is you have never slept on the street (unless it was to be the first in the door so you could get that hella cool shoot’m up game) never really been hungry. Go to Africa, Asia, South America I’ve taken that opportunity work with the uneducated in all these places and seen real poverty you twits.
At the risk of being ironic
re: #65 Fozzie Bear