
Pamela Geller Spews Hatred at Jewish Week

BongCrodny12/30/2010 1:02:16 pm PST

re: #128 WindUpBird

She’s not an A-lister like a radio host, that is true, I’d say she’s shaping thought and influencing the sorts of people who think they’re informed because they read right wing bloggy screeds and mumbo jumbo fat beardo nativism garbage like World Net Daily et al, and those people are stupid, suggestible, and often armed.

She’s sorta like the bronze medal Ann Coulter, she totally wants to be the sexy body on the best seller cover making liberals cry, problem is she’s not as charismatic or funny as ann coulter (for what it’s worth, Coulter knows how to work the media) and she’s a drunk, and she can’t spell. Not great attributes for someone trying to be taken seriously. but she’s still read enough, still spreading bigotry and stridently repeating paranoid delusions as fact, enough to be dangerous and incite violence, so she’s still important enough to be discussed here.

Just because something (emphasis on thing, lol) isn’t covered on CNN (which itself is little more than USA Today with more flying logos and yelling) doesn’t mean it is insignificant

Weren’t there instances last year of Republicans going on national TV and praising the mosque as being a positive for the community?

It seems as though nobody was particularly upset about the mosque before Pammy got her war on.

A Public Policy Polling poll taken in October of this year found that only 4% of Republicans supported the mosque.

*Someone* was pretty damn influential in getting the pitchforks-and-torches crowd all riled up.