
LIVE VIDEO: White House Correspondents' Dinner

Lidane4/25/2015 10:49:46 pm PDT

re: #119 Targetpractice

A month ago, I’d think I was crazy for saying this, but I’m gonna say it now…I think Rubio might end up being the GOP nominee. Because it seems that all those things I used to write him off before now, from being hopelessly naive to having virtually no record to run on, makes him golden to the establishment.

Plus Rubio’s already got his own birther nutbars, so he’s set. Heh.

I still say the big money donors are going to go with Jeb or Christie. They’ll pick the one that’s less damaged and run with him. I would’ve said that Walker had a chance, but once he decided to lose his goddamn mind and babble about cutting LEGAL immigration, I changed my mind.

The big money types who give millions of dollars want EASIER legal immigration because that helps them attract and retain the best talent. They also want things like same-sex marriage and non-discrimination laws protecting LGBT people for the same reason. Walker signed his death warrant when he went off-script to try and outcrazy Ted Cruz.