
The Best Part of the White House Correspondents' Dinner: President Obama's Anger Translator

Nyet4/27/2015 3:08:35 am PDT

re: #133 Justanotherhuman

Political understatement of the year:

Kazakhstan’s President Nazarbayev on his 97% election victory: ‘I apologize if these numbers are unacceptable for the super democratic countries but there was nothing I could do’ - @ARothNYT
end of alert

Not quite true:

In the wake of his third presidential election, Lukashenko went so far as to admit that he had forged previous election results.

“Yes, we falsified the [results of the] last election. I have already told this to Westerners. In fact, 93.5 percent [of ballots were] for President Lukashenko. People say this is not a European result, so we changed it to 86 percent. This truly happened,” he told Ukrainian journalists in 2006.