
Seth Meyers: Former Trump Aides Warn America as Trump Rises in Polls, Threatens Revenge

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈11/24/2023 10:28:36 am PST

Jonathan Pollard wants to remind everyone that he’s a maniac.

Jonathan Pollard, a former US intelligence analyst imprisoned for spying for Israel, has called for hostages’ families to be silenced and arrested.

Pollard told Israeli media that the families of Israeli hostages should have been jailed to shut them up. He also said posters of the captives should never have been hung up.

“When Israel declared war, the first thing that the government should have done was declare a state of national emergency and told all the hostages: ‘You will keep your mouth shut or we will shut them for you,’” Pollard said.

He said the Israeli government should have prevented the hostages’ families from “interfering” with their management of this war.

He implied that the hostages’ families were being “used by the international community” or “by our own leftists” as a weapon against the Israeli government.

“If that means imprisoning to silence certain members of the hostage families, then so be it — we’re in a state of war.”

The hostages’ families should have been jailed to shut them up, says former US citizen who was an Israeli spy (BI)