
Video: Chasing the Ice

cliffster12/22/2009 2:47:58 pm PST

re: #125 Cineaste

Totally. Those snow plows outside my house today are completely at nature’s mercy.///

Of course we can affect nature in lots of ways, big & small. Take a look at CFC’s and ozone depletion. Or do you not think that was real?

You miss the point. Groundhogs affect nature when they dig tunnels through the plains. They are, nonetheless, subjects of nature, not its ruler. You can say it’s splitting hairs, and you wouldn’t be the first to tell me that. But I think it’s an important distinction. The same attitude that makes us think we can somehow hurt nature is the one that makes us think that we can do whatever we want - it’s the attitude that we are the emperors of the world. We don’t hurt nature, nature will be fine. What we do to ourselves, though - that’s what we have to live with (or not live, as it were [did I just say “as it were”?])