
The Rainiest Place on Earth (Or, How a Rainfall Simulator Saves Millions of Lives)

steve_davis1/27/2024 5:47:46 am PST

re: #48 sizzzzlerz

I rode a motorcycle daily for 25 years. I always wore a helmet, gloves, and leather jacket. In all that time, I was in 2 accidents, neither serious. The first one happened when I hit a spot on the side of the road that was always wet from an old, leaking water pipe so it was slick with moss. I hit it at about 25 mph, skidded the back wheel, throwing me to the pavement where I rolled for maybe 20 feet before coming to a stop. I must have hit my head on the ground 4 or 5 times. Protected by the helmet, I suffered no head injuries at all. Had I not been wearing it, I’d be dead or a vegetable.

I’ve never understood why some riders refuse to wear one in places where its legal to not to do so. As the saying goes, there are two kinds of riders: Ones that have been in an accident and the other, ones that will be. A helmet, regardless of cost, is cheap health insurance.

i always chuckled a bit when sons of anarchy would go rolling off on their drug deals. they were drug-dealing, gun-toting anarchists, but California demands helmets, and so they wore the little ‘beanie” helmets. Anarchic, but fashionable.