
Pastors Celebrate Charles Darwin

eon1/30/2009 6:26:53 pm PST

re: #54 opnion

Off topic, Matt Damon calls James Bond an Imperialist, mysogonist psychopath that goes around swilling martinis, bedding women & killing people. Damon sees Bond as “repulsive”
Hmmm, Matt Damon might be a little over analytical.

Good evening, Lizards.

Actually, Damon’s synopsis of 007 is remarkably close to Ian Fleming’s own conception of the character. Forget the movie versions, for the most part- in the novels, notably Casino Royale and From Russia With Love, Bond is portrayed as a cold-blooded killer who will get the job done no matter what the cost. In the former book, his last line, reporting the demise of the treacherous Vesper Lynd, is “The b***h is dead.” Period.

My opinion of 007 is best summed up by the review of Timothy Dalton’s initial outing in the role’ in The Living Daylights, from The James Bond Encyclopedia (revised edition);

There are times when Bond can and should be a bastard. When the chips are down, the fate of the world is at stake, and there’s killing to be done, he should be doing it. Roger Moore saved the world every three years with wit and charm. Dalton has brought back the danger in 007. You’re never quite sure what he’s going to do next, and that makes him fascinating to watch.

The new 007 (can’t think of his name just now-brain f**t) seems to be following in Dalton’s footsteps in taking Bond back to his literary roots. To which I can only say, about d**ned time.

As for Damon, in the Jason Bourne films he plays a programmed assassin who’s gone haywire. Disregarding the morality of creating a Manchurian Candidate in the first place, somebody who’s made a lot of money playing a “lion tamer” who has, for whatever reason, started taking out people on his own side should be careful who he chucks verbal brickbats at.

