
Tacit Consent From Encourages Riehl To Make Sexist Attacks On Conservative Women

Targetpractice5/27/2012 3:33:53 pm PDT

re: #136 palomino

Does TM have no right to stand his ground?

If he had no need to confront, why did he?

Maybe he responded in such a way because he saw a stranger following him at night for no reason and was justifiably concerned about his own safety. And maybe he was afraid the pursuer had a gun, or even saw that gun.

A rational, sane, law-abiding person (your standard) would knowingly confront a person they don’t know, believe/know to be armed, instead of continuing to flee?

I simply don’t understand the fervent defenses of Zim. Rational, sane, law abiding people don’t follow people and pursue them with firearms when they haven’t even seen the person commit a crime. Real simple: if Zim stays in car, as any responsible person would have done, none of this happens.

And if Martin had continued on to his house after Zimmerman had ceased pursuing him, he’d still be alive.

There were two sides to this altercation. Zimmerman’s bad choices do not nullify Martin’s.