
Colbert on Devin Nunes' Inadvertently Hilarious Lawsuit Against Twitter [VIDEO]

No Malarkey!3/20/2019 11:26:40 am PDT

re: #9 Dr Lizardo


Only three things she can do now.

1) Call a General Election

2) Call a referendum

3) Unilaterally revoke Article 50

Or……crash out on 29 March. That’s the range of options. She’s been kicking the Brexit can down the road repeatedly. And now - she’s just run out of road.

There is no time for a general election or a referendum before March 29. Unless they can convince the EU to grant an extension for one or the other, May’s options are limited to crashing out of the EU or revoking Article 50. Does anyone know if the Speaker of the Parliament’s decision not to allow a third vote on May’s deal can be overridden?