
Don't Drill, Baby, Don't Drill

JoyousMN3/31/2010 12:24:16 pm PDT

As a lefty, can I tell you that Obama would be getting a ton of heat from our side (and probably will anyway) for this. We really don’t want drilling (or nuclear power). But Obama is pretty smart and he can see that the Republicans will jump all over this as BAD because he proposed it, so his supporters will not jump in quite so fast to agree with Republicans. Pretty smart.

But I do hate that the window is moved SO FAR over that this guy, who probably be at home with Nixon’s policies, is a Democrat today. If Republicans had not alienated minorities I can see a world where Obama is YOUR guy. (Now I see heads exploding LOL)

And the final irony is that Republicans are “winning,” by moving the debate center to the right.

Weird old world…