
Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black

lawhawk4/28/2010 11:16:46 am PDT

This just ticks me off. The Westboro Baptists are at it again, this time picketing the MS school where a teenager is going to graduate. This teen happens to be a lesbian who sought to bring her girlfriend as her date to the prom and the school canceled the prom. A court found that the school acted improperly, but didn’t reinstate the prom.

“[We] will picket the graduation of Itawamba Agricultural High School to remind the parents, teachers and students of this nation that God said ‘Thou shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind, it is abomination,’” the group declared.

McMillen fought a legal battle with her Fulton, Miss., high school after it refused to allow her to attend the prom with her girlfriend. In response to the fight, the school then decided to cancel the prom.

She won in court after the judge found that the school had violated her freedom of expression, but did not force the school to reinstate the classic high school event.