
Bill Would Allow Texas Teachers to Use Deadly Force Against Students

Nyet1/30/2015 3:24:06 am PST

For someone so interested in IQ he’s woefully misinformed about the consensus scientific view. While individual IQ differences have both environmental and genetic basis, it cannot be extrapolated to the differences between groups because different environments (and that includes social environments) will produce different results. Of course Chuck would deny that blacks live in a different environment, but he would do that, wouldn’t he.

About the Black-White difference in IQ, which at the time
was about 15 points, the Neisser et al. (1996) article stated,
“There is not much direct evidence on this point, but what
there is fails to support a genetic hypothesis.” That conclusion
stands today: There has been no new direct evidence
on the question.
One of the most telling of the studies was available at
the time of the Neisser et al. (1996) report but was apparently
not known to them. This is an adoption study by
Moore (1986). She examined the IQs of Black and mixedrace
children averaging 81𠑂 years of age who were adopted
by middle-class families who were either Black or White.
The children who were of half-European origin had virtually
the same average IQ as the children who were of
exclusively Black origin. Hence European genes were of
no advantage to this group of “Blacks.” Children (both
Black and mixed-race) adopted by White families had IQs
13 points higher on average than those adopted by Black
families, indicating that there were marked differences in
the environments of Black and White families relevant to
socialization for IQ; indeed, the differences were large
enough to account for virtually the entire Black-White gap
in IQ at the time of the study.6

Nisbett, Richard E.; Aronson, Joshua; Blair, Clancy; Dickens, William; Flynn, James; Halpern, Diane F.; Turkheimer, Eric
“Intelligence. New Findings and Theoretical Developments”, American Psychologist, Vol 67(2), Feb-Mar 2012, 130-159.