
Watch Live: The Impeachment Trial of Donald Trump, Day 9 - Senators Have Questions

Blind Frog Belly White1/29/2020 12:36:51 pm PST

re: #138 Dangerman (slowly converting a pool into a pond)

dont forget your tax dollars are paying for some of them, like cipolloni

im surprised we havent seen Barr up there yet

I gotta tell you, this whole thing is depressing me. We’re really in danger of becoming a completely post-truth society, where nothing matters. Dershowitz is arguing, in the well of the Senate, that the President can do anything he believes will ensure his reelection, as long as he thinks his reelection is in the national interest. And a bit over half the Senate is nodding along, essentially saying, “Yes! Take away our last prerogative as an independent body! Make us wholly an instrument of the President’s whim!”