
Why I Parted Ways With The Right

nickzi12/01/2009 11:23:08 am PST

it’s strange that so many “conservatives” on here seem to basically agree with Charles, and then refuse to think through the next logical step - i.e how to change and redeem the GOP and other supposedly conservative institutions. Instead, we get the usual weak whining about the “far left” and “radical socialism”. This suggests two things: first, a refusal to actually think through what being conservative really means, second, a willful ignorance of what “radical socialism” and so forth would look like. Isn’t it time conservatives started being based in reality, rather than peddling the witless nonsense of people like Beck and Limbaugh? Neither of them offers any real conservatism worth the name, but so-called conservatives just repeat the tired slop from two greedy, cynical frauds. Read some history, read some political theory, read some philosophy - and think through what conservatism means, because it has nothing to do with what the GOP is selling now.