
A Blind Date Goes Horribly Wrong: "Buzzkill"

Joe Bacon ✅8/28/2023 5:02:52 am PDT

Ah Marky Mark Meadows has a court date today!

‘Meadows could win the battle and still lose the war’ in crucial Monday court appearance

All eyes will be on a federal courtroom on Monday where U.S. District Judge Steve C. Jones will hear arguments from lawyers representing former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, who is attempting to get his trial on racketeering charges moved from a state court to a federal courtroom where he believes he will stand a better chance of avoiding jail time.

How Jones eventually rules could decide the fate of more than a handful of the 19 co-conspirators indicted by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, which also includes Donald Trump, who will undoubtedly be keeping an eye on the proceedings.

At issue is Meadows’ assertion that he was serving in his capacity as a federal official when he assisted the former president in contesting the 2020 presidential election results which Willis contends was part of a far-reaching conspiracy.

As the Washington Post is reporting, “That would create an unusual scenario in which Meadows would be prosecuted by Willis’s office under state law but in front of a federal judge. If convicted, he would not be eligible for a pardon by the president, as he would be if convicted under federal law, experts said.”