
Announcing: Little Green Linkage

researchok4/23/2010 4:00:20 pm PDT

re: #125 LudwigVanQuixote

It is not about money for them as much as it is about dogma. They are in no way different than the various other whacko groups.

The fact is that Greenpeace is actually right on a number of issues - but that quickly gets buried under a sea of crazy and ignorance that is no less daunting than the fundies. In fact these are fundies, but of a different flavor.

Unfortunately, they are not reasoned enough to understand how to prioritize or that many of their maneuvers only guarantee that the disasters they want to avert are more likely to happen.

These folks are just as unscientific and stupid as the fundies and it is a pity, because they are not the great champions of the environment that they need to be. We need policy based on science and people in responsibility need to lead for once and do the sane and proper course of action on these issues.

That means, no whining, you are going to see more nuclear wind and solar. You are going to see laws that encourage you to recycle. YOu are going to see a smart grid and yes your tax dollars will pay for some of it.

As a reward, you get, America still intact in the 22nd century, millions of new American jobs and a booming economy.

I do agree with most of what you say.

The adherence to dogma you refer to may apply to the rank and file but for the higher ups it really is about the cash- not unlike the empire built by the Rathkes. The rank and file did all the work while the founders cleaned up and then raided the till.

Look at what happened in Oregon. The timber industry was decimated, all for naught. The Spotted Owl is still on the verge of extinction and ranchers and farmers had their water cut off.

The movement created a backlash of course and the reason you don’t hear much about logging or the Spotted Owl any more is because it is harder to raise money nowadays. A decimated industry and farmers and ranchers being forced off their land isn’t a feel good proposition. There is no accountability or repercussions so the greenies just moved on and damned the havoc and devastation.

The greenies moved on.