
Mitt Romney Supports the GOP's War on Women

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/29/2012 10:23:31 pm PST

Okay, another example:


In Dalton, Gingrich said North Dakota’s oil boom proves that the USA can produce enough domestic oil for its needs. “The No. 1 thing North Dakota proves is that the idea of peak oil, that we’re about to run out, is simply false,” he said. “We will probably, by the end of the decade, be the largest oil-producing country in the world.”

Ernie Acree, 43, of Dalton, said he supports Gingrich because of “his belief in God and country. The second thing is his experience. Also, he’s from Georgia. I just think that he’s the right guy.”


Newtie claims the US can be the largest producer of “oil” in the world. A stupid claim, unless he’s claiming that we (or someone) are going to destroy the nations of Russia and Saudi Arabia so completely that they won’t be producing “oil”.

However, Newtie’s supporter cares about two things: God, and Georgia. Tribalism, in two forms.