
Tennessee Republicans Introduce Idiotic Anti-Sharia Bill Drafted by Racist Loon

Orange Impostor2/28/2011 10:57:25 am PST

re: #106 theheat

America’s really progressed if we’re supporting Nazis introducing bills. Use to be, Nazis never got a fair shake. Especially ones with last names like Yerushalmi.

Makes you proud to be an American.

Twenty years ago, Republicans told David Duke that they didn’t want him to run for Louisiana Governor with a (R) next to his name, and went as far as campaigning for his Democratic opponent, (former) Gov. Edwin Edwards, going as far as distributing bumper stickers saying “Vote for the Crook. It’s Important”.

Now we move to today, and what do we have in the GOP leadership? Lots and lots of Dukes’ brothers-in-arms actually in positions of real power.

One of the reasons I moved out of Louisiana back then was because of the fact that the area of the state that I had lived in, Duke had over 50% of the vote - and this wasn’t a rural area. More and more we’re witnessing that his rotten seed is taking root all over the country with racial and other identity-based politics. And it’s getting worse instead of getting better.