
Why Don't TV Weathermen Believe in Climate Change?

iceweasel1/30/2010 11:10:22 pm PST

re: #1457 Jimmah

There you go again.

Racer X and some others are simply to stupid to understand that merely saying something isn’t enough to make it true.
Thus we have various fuckwitted people whinging about how Mandy is being ‘bullied’…when others point out that she’s a bully.

Or preaching about how terrible, despicible, it is to ‘talk about someone who isn’t here!’— but having zero problem doing that when it’s a question about telling lies and bitching about iceweasel, or Ludwig, or anyone who doesn’t play for Team Wingnut Fuckwit.

And so on. Kinda like Mongo31 wailing about being called a racist, not understanding that if he doesn’t want to be called one, he should quit it with the racist remarks. Etc.