
Shock! Kathryn Lopez Wants to 'Turn Back the Clock'

Simply Sarah2/27/2011 12:25:02 pm PST

re: #148 researchok

I have no issue with healthy sexuality. Indeed, a woman has and should have the freedom to be as sexual as she pleases. It is in how we get there that poses the problem.

Magazines geared toward teens (and often read by pre teens) extolling the techniques of sexual activities as opposed to healthy emotional behavior does not make for a healthy sexuality. The same applies to adults- over indulging at the buffet isn’t healthy, irrespective of the endeavor.

Adults understand healthy sexuality cannot be separated from healthy emotionality.

If sex is a commodity men will treat is as such. Biology dictates that to a very large degree, but that need not be the overt and principal behavior.

I think that, really, it boils down to the fact that we’re still trying to find the proper balance between actively condemning and actively condoning sexuality and sexual activity. I’m hopeful that, given a bit more time, we can reach a good in-between where the feeling is people are free to do as they please, both in being or not being high sexual. And yes, in general pre-teens are far too young and too undeveloped emotionally to be trying to actively push them towards considering engaging in sexual activity.