
Jon Stewart Skewers GOP Anti-Science Idiocy and Media Complicity

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/27/2011 12:14:38 pm PDT

re: #137 publicityStunted

And isn’t it true that, if humanity is plunged into that new dark ages, we can never climb out of it? After all, the only reason we had the iron age, bronze age, etc was because the stuff was around and easy to mine.

Many historians, when reconstructing the past, refer to a civilization collapse that is not often heard of in the wider public - the Bronze Age Collapse.

While there are differences of opinion on the extent and cause of said collapse, the reality is that our world system, “civilization”, did change from it. E.g., the origin of the ancestral religion to Judaism stemmed from the collapse of Bronze Age Canaanite city-states.

It is unlikely that we are will be able to control our future to the level of detail to expect and manage the next similar “collapse”, though I will point out here that Homo genus has been roaming this planet for a couple of million years, and that we’ve been modifying our environment during this time (and likely are the direct or indirect cause of the many extinctions the past million years.)

Humans will continue, but what we cherish: freedoms, idealism, modernity - those could go away.