
Stunning New Music and Video From Crowded House: "Teenage Summer"

Targetpractice4/13/2024 10:25:57 pm PDT

re: #147 JC1

I would prefer a remaster/remake of the original. This may be sacrilege, but I don’t care for the way Bethesda games scale with the player level, so by the time you’re high level, every scrub is running around with elite gear. I prefer the approach where different areas of the game world are statted for different levels and remain relatively constant. Just a personal preference.

They did something similar with New Vegas, with certain areas naturally spawning creatures above a certain level so as create a “meat wall” meant to keep players from jumping off the plot railroad too quickly.

Overall, I like the idea of enemies keeping up with you, if only to avoid a game getting piss-easy towards the end game. I mean yeah, there’s the initial adrenaline rush of wading into a pack of low-level scrubs with high-level gear and reducing them to bloody chunks, but then you realize you could walk away to make a drink and come back 10 minutes later with only a token portion of your health bar whittled down and the game just becomes a joke.