
Why Don't TV Weathermen Believe in Climate Change?

Unakite1/30/2010 11:24:59 pm PST

re: #1312 LudwigVanQuixote

Well that’s fair. As a geologist, you no doubt know of Milankovitch cycles and that we should be cooling right now as per those. As such, how do you account for the warming? Moreover, since the process is really just basic QM and Thermo, how do you dispute it?

First, I do. Second, you (not personal you, just general you) are trying to take a small trend over a limited period of time (geologically) and extrapolate the end of mankind, but don’t address the possibility of this being a statistically insignificant variation in longer-term cycles.

In essence, you are saying that the earth should be cooling in a Milankovitch cycle and warming over the last century is significant (and proves global warming), But the trend has been cooling over the last decade and that’s insignificant (and still proves global warming).