
Friday Night Acoustic: Tommy Emmanuel, "Drivetime"

Killgore Trout2/28/2014 9:28:34 pm PST

re: #140 Gus

So working on a peace deal between Israel and Palestine is what?

That’s a ritual waste of time every President goes through. Eventually one of them will get lucky and be there at the right time when a real peace deal gets done.

Helping create a solution to Iran nuclear weapons proliferation?

I don’t think that’s really what is happening. I think we’ve just given up trying to stop them from their nuclear ambitions (whatever they may be).re: #141 Gus

Someone needs to point to me where in the US Constitution that the USA is supposed to figure out the world’s problems. I can’t seem to find it.

Since WWII we have taken it on as an obligation. It hasn’t always worked out so great but we are a very rich nation with a large military. I can see a moral obligation to help. We could just sit around and enjoy our wealth and easy lifestyles while other people suffer. We should have helped stop the genocide in Rawanda. Maybe we should have tried harder in Mogadishu. We were right to step up in Serbia. We could just let people suffer whatever fate but it’s not unreasonable to see a moral obligation to try to help. Sometimes that requires military action.