
Wikileaks: Saudi Arabia Urged US to Attack Iran

Killgore Trout11/29/2010 11:36:17 am PST

re: #146 researchok

You know, I’m not sure if it is a denial of those crazies who are in the TP (and by no means are all TP members crazy).

I do believe that many people are denial that our entire system is both so fragile and broken. As your page indirectly implies, we live in a world where the likes of Justin Raimondo are considered credible by elements of both the left and right.

You touched a nerve in an environment where everyone is raw.

I was also reminded of this last night after reading a stupid article by Glenn Greenwald. I always assumed he was a lefty but after checking up on him he’s a paleocon libertarian butjob who just looked like a lefty under the Bush years. Same thing with somebody like Adrew Sullivan who I suspect (more outrageously putrageous speculation) may revert to being a conservative now that the Tea Party has made craziness a main feature in right wing politics. We are going to see more nuts gravitating to the Right over the next few years.