
Video: Clint Eastwood's Entire Improvised RNC Speech

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus8/31/2012 3:22:32 pm PDT

Before I run to the gym… I’ll post one more: This is why the guy was persona non grata at the convention:

Michael Steele: Voter ID Rhetoric Is ‘Irresponsible,’ Party Needs New Approach To Black Voters

As the Republican National Convention drew to a close, Michael Steele, the party’s former chair, said that his party needed to do a better job of outreach to communities of color, and that the rhetoric around voter ID laws was a detriment to those efforts.

The party offered plum prime-time speaking spots to people of color, including two well-received speeches from former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez. But Steele said that he was disappointed at the contrast between the podium and the delegates in attendance.

There were a lot of people of color on the stage, but my problem is that there weren’t any on the floor,” Steele told The Huffington Post on Thursday. “That’s where the rubber hits the road.” […]