
Another Astounding Tiny Desk Concert: Alfredo Rodríguez Trio [VIDEO]

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷10/27/2018 1:49:26 am PDT

From that guy’s article I note some assertions:

Studies continually show that more lottery tickets are sold in poorer zip codes than in wealthier ones.

There are more poor people than wealthy people. Quelle surprise.

The story of the week might just be Earl Livingston, an 87-year-old who fell and broke his hip on the way to buy a Mega Millions ticket. Upon hospitalization, the staff offered him a chance to get in on their lottery pool. He accepted, and one of their tickets matched all five white balls to win a $1 million secondary prize.

Moral of the story kiddies: don’t go out and buy lotto tickets because you might break your hip after a fall. I might get hit by a Wal*Mart truck crossing US-26 today going to buy a Powerball ticket.

Plus denigrating his win (a few thousand dollars) - “It’s just not worth it folks.”

That brings up my anecdotal story of my poverty-stricken mother who won “just a few thousand dollars” - enough for me to be an exchange student in Brazil for over a year. For every one of these sad-sack stories you can find another “changed your life” story, but those changed-your-life stories don’t fit the narrative of “I earned my wealth through intelligence or industry, and you should too or you’ll be unhappy.”