
Photo of the Day: Dinner of the Damned

Pawn of the Oppressor11/29/2016 9:48:01 pm PST

re: #134 wheat-dogg

I read through the response filed yesterday. It’s pretty obvious that Chuck has fools for lawyers again, and (if he paid money for them) he’s wasted his money again. His leaving the California complaint “lie fallow” for six months was a major tactical error on his part, and the NY bankruptcy court will not look kindly on his present action for that reason. He’s obviously grasping at straws, hoping to extract money from Nick Denton and/or Gawker to punishment for their saying unkind things about him.

I can see why Rage Furby loves Trump so much. They both have paper-thin skins when the object of criticism or ridicule.

Chucksie is living proof that white supremacy is bullshit, and nobody needs further evidence of that, but since this involves Bankruptcy (my area of expertise, sadly) and I’m a glutton for pain, I’m looking at the case in plain old PACER right now.

1st item - Gawker is in Chapter 11 so any hot air about them being “destroyed” is misdirected. I believe Ch11 operates like a collection of settlements and agreements to service debts while remaining in operation… I could be wrong, I’m used to consumer BKs (13 and 7), I’ve never serviced a Ch11 start to finish. This doesn’t mean Gawker isn’t hurting, but they’re not burned to the ground either.

2nd - Christ on a jet-ski, docket entry 452 is a 234-page response to Gawker’s objection to claim… I can’t begin to describe what a train wreck that is.

So, a Proof of Claim is nominally about two pages with some basic information that says “The Debtor owes us money, here is how much”, with justifying attachments, like a vehicle purchase contract or mortgage/Deed of Trust. The main claims in this BK come from Gawker’s electric bill and taxes owed, for example.

(Aside - Debt-cataloging documents like Claims and Schedules can be very interesting, if you look up sports team bankruptcies and read their Schedules or Claims you’ll find stuff like player’s salaries and how much it costs to buy baseballs in bulk. The Texas Rangers still owed Alex Rodriguez tens of millions of dollars when I looked at their old BK, for example… And poor Sinbad the comedian was upside down on his BMW and had only some promo copies of an old comedy special left lying around his apartment…)

A POC should be a claim for like, actual money owed… Stuff you can prove. Keep your receipts, kids! So, if Chucksie had won a lawsuit for defamation against Gawker and they owed him ten million in damages, in writing by a court ruling, that would be a legitimate claim.

I don’t know what Drumpf-SA Schuetze Bodenscheisser put on his POC but it certainly wasn’t anything real. So, Gawker would in turn object to this claim, saying, in brief, “Yo, this claim isn’t real.” And the objection would be upheld and that’s it.

Gawker objected in omnibus to a big pile of claims at once, which makes sense because they probably have a lot of cranks spending $100 for an hour of lawyering and ECF filing costs, filing bullshit claims to get a piece of the pie.

So in response to the objection, Dickless here responds with TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY FOUR PAGES which is apparently the entire mass of every document that Chucksie’s lawyer from Bible Lawyer College ever wrote up for the case. I don’t know how much that costs to file, but I suspect it’s enough to buy a nice dinner and drinks. And, of course, the response is total crank horseshit that doesn’t actually address the matter at hand…

High IQ and genetic supremacy, you say? Huh.