
John Oliver: Facial Recognition in the Hands of Private Companies and Law Enforcement Is Very Dangerous

KGxvi6/15/2020 1:36:06 pm PDT


I would hope not.

re: #155 Blind Frog Belly White

I dunno. I know the Right was preparing to call the 2000 result illegitimate when they thought Gore was going to win the EC but lose the popular.

This is one of the reasons why I think a push to abolish the EC should be made in more general terms… specifically by pointing out that for most people, your vote doesn’t actually matter. If you’re a Republican in New York or California, doesn’t matter. If you’re a Democrat in Idaho or Utah or Wyoming, doesn’t matter. And as a result, it probably drives down turn out - why vote if you know the rest of your state is going to vote for the other side?

But you make it a true national election, and then, every vote does actually matter.

I could go into some philosophical arguments about it, but I think for most people, this is the argument that would make the most headway.