
Video: Pecker Says He Killed Story to Benefit Trump's Campaign

William Lewis4/26/2024 11:08:24 pm PDT

re: #158 silverdolphin

Yep, Apple left the server business because it provided no selective advantage. Its server OS and hardware just could not fully compete.

But AI servers may provide an opening. Apple has its own silicon that no one else has that not only uses less power but may well have somne real advantages with its Neural engine.

I would expect Apple to have developed its own server to use for its own AI needs, so it can tell its users that their data will be secure. Instead of renting servers from others, this would give it control. If it has such a server, I think this is the reason for its development.

But it would also allow them to have a new product to sell. Everyone has been looking at Apple for AI software, but what if it had a real chance to provide high pwoered AI servers based on its own silicon? It would be fun.

I find it very doubtful that they’ll be able to make a business case in a market that is so totally blindly Wintel obedient. Efficiency is nice but upfront cost is all that matters to wall street and Apple costs too much. Unless they can undercut the price of Wintel - and they can’t - their putative AI servers will go nowhere.

If they really want to rattle cages? Open Source their AI code base and the applications they’ve built on it. That will do more to cause their competition grief than any servers they might sell because it will undercut everything those companies are trying to sell.