
Wingnut Fail of the Day: Bill Ayers 'Admits' He Wrote Obama's Autobiography

Professor Chaos3/28/2011 1:17:17 pm PDT

Mr. Hoft,

This was a joke. You either A) didn’t get it and took him seriously, B) understood that it was a joke and wrote what you did anyways.

If A, then you need to have someone explain comedy to you. I highly recommend a viewing of Airplane! in the company of someone who understands what is funny so that they can explain it to you.

If B, you’re a shit-stain propagandist beneath contempt (because let’s face it, this is not an isolated incident for you) and follow Les Grossman’s advice below (NSFW language).

Youtube Video

Fuck you,


P.S. We all know that it’s B.