
The 2014 Republican Leadership Conference Summed Up in One Image

The Ghost of a Flea5/30/2014 6:21:31 pm PDT
He rejected the secular society created by Supreme Court decisions he interpreted as an attack on religion.

“We threw God out of the schools. We threw God out of the courthouses,” Robertson said, in a speech that featured quotes from several Founding Fathers, including George Washington, John Adams, and James Madison.

“Separation of church and state? I’m telling you right [now] what our Founding Fathers said and it doesn’t sound like separating God Almighty from the United States of America. It’s a lie. You remove the Bible out of schools, it was said more 200 years ago, and you are going to be wasting so much time punishing criminals. Education is useless without the Bible. Take the Bible out of schools and there’s going to be an explosion of crime.”

Just a reminder that one of our two major political parties has opened itself up to organizations and individuals that want to mutilate civil liberties and the Constitution…just like how they’ve mutilated the Bible.

Fiscal conservatives: run.

No seriously, these are not the allies you want. You think corruption is bad? Government waste is bad? Federal power is too concentrated?

How about the cost of implementing the nation these fanatics want.

All of the things they want criminalized that will require both monitoring and enforcement. All of the militarism they support because they’re envisioning a soon-arriving Apocalypse, plus a hunger for a final conflict versus Islam. All of the unvetted organizations that they want to subsidize with no oversight because they’re the said brand of Real, True Christianity.

These people are on a mission, and that mission is not fiscal prudence. When they say “small government” they don’t mean it: the government is only “big” in that it doesn’t let them do what they want to other citizens.

They are getting more power, and are experimenting with new ways to take shit away from everybody else.