
Trump Bans Transgender People From Military Service to Save Funding for His Imaginary Border Wall

Scottish Dragon7/26/2017 1:38:19 pm PDT

Trans hating Rod Dreher is tightening his chilice in celebration of Trumps trans ban over at The American Conservative. Trans people threaten western civilization it seems…

It is vitally important for Americans to understand that this is the world that many liberals, in particular those in charge of the Democratic Party, wish to bring into being. President Obama ordered the normalization of transgenderism in the US military, and brought about a policy that compelled the Pentagon to pay for sex-change operations for soldiers. It was the Obama administration that issued guidelines telling public schools nationwide that they must accommodate transgender students in every way, including giving them access to the locker rooms and bathrooms of their preferred gender….When I wrote here the other day that I believe the Democratic Party wants to tear down Western civilization, this is the kind of thing I was talking about. They are so radical that they want to re-engineer civilization from the ground up, even to the point of denying biological facts. In so doing, they are destroying the conditions necessary for a stable, thriving society.