
New Poll: Majority of Americans Believe Trump's Behavior Encourages White Supremacists

Scottish Dragon10/29/2018 1:58:36 pm PDT

So my mom and a cousin of mine were sharing George Soros is bankrolling the caravan theories the day that the bomb showed up in Soros’ mailbox.

I tried to engage my mom on that last night.
Hey Mom….those conspiracy theory things that ***** posted the other day about George Soros? That mass murder gunman cited exactly the same stuff before he went and murdered 11 people today…..This is where this sort of stuff leads. People believe this nonsense about a Jewish banker paying money for refugees and now a LOT of people are dead and four cops got shot as well. Thank God none of them died too.

…. We have to shut this craziness down. The next guy who send bombs to political donors may make sure the bombs work…and the next one may be a far left type who sends them to the Koch Brothers or Shelden Adelson who donate to the GOP. We gotta stop it now. Please say something to ***** if he does that again.

That was a fucking mistake. My mom:

So now you’re saying ***** has something to do with this crazy nut?
I do have something I want to share with you. I’m sure you remember the verse saying first you must first remove the splinter from your own eye before removing the log from your neighbors. To take it one step further: In order to hate the sin in the world, first you must hate the sin in yourself. Think about it.

I’m confused…

I’m saying we that it is a dangerous lie and nobody should be sharing it. It is encouraging really bad people to go and do horrible things. I’m not at all sure what it is you want me to consider mom, because I’m not sharing conspiracy theories…and ***** actually did.

I get educated….

What I want you to think about is the sin, not just in the world culminating in these atrocities, but also the sin in your own life. You constantly rant and rave about what you perceive as the sins of the world, all of which you can realistically do very little about. In order to hate the sin in the world, you must first hate the sin in yourself. But you ignore your own sins. My greatest concern is that you get right with God. I know, from personal experience, that once you do, everything around you will fall in place. You just might see that God is really in control. He doesn’t enable the atrocities, but he is allowing each person to sign their own death warrant. You know, you can not count on tomorrow. There is a story of a man who made a large purchase that would, he thought, set him up for life—not knowing that he would no longer have that life. Are you ready to meet God and explain all that you do?

I have no idea where in the world to go with this. I asked my mom to stop sharing anti Semitic conspiracy theories and she tells me I have to stop being a sinner to understand that it is all OK.

All right, mom. I thought I would try to talk to you. Sorry to have bothered you

I think this pretty much kills any possibility I had of trying to have any real relationship with my folks. They are gone, and I can’t bring them back.