
Colbert Riffs Brilliantly on Mikes Pence and Johnson: Trump Wants Pence's Endorsement | Speaker Mike Johnson Takes the Bible Literally

William Lewis10/31/2023 10:00:05 pm PDT

re: #163 Targetpractice

Just on the face of it, I think most defense lawyers would have difficulty approaching this case. The article starts out making it appear as though the mom and boyfriend were helping out this girl living with a shitty home life get an abortion that her parents opposed. But then you get towards the end and you start to see signs that this is a teen girl who got involved with an older boy who is now sexually exploiting her, possibly using illicit drugs to control her, is verbally (if not physically) abusive, and used either her addiction or fear over getting in trouble with her parents to coerce her to travel across state lines to get an abortion. It’s the sort of case that a prosecutor looking to set a precedent for such laws would jump on in a heartbeat.

I am reminded that there were numerous cases similar to but before that of Rosa Parks. They weren’t touched because they people involved weren’t as, frankly, upstanding as she was.

This vile law is unconstitutional on numerous grounds but you won’t get a judge/jury to go along with those arguments with this particular case.